
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Obamacare Takes Effect

The idea of exchanges where people can get individual policies across state lines and with pre-existing conditions is a good one and has been needed for a long time. I honestly think that very few people have an issue with that part of the law (Indeed many Republican proposals during the Obamacare debate included exchanges).

The problem is that people will soon be FORCED to join and pay premiums by a "gun" held by the government. That "gun" is the IRS who will be the enforcement arm of Obamacare. If you don't pay---the IRS will come after you !!!!
I don't care what the politicians on the Supreme Court say, this law is blatantly unconstitutional !! If you are young and healthy or currently working but tight on money and don't want health insurance---too bad--you're joining and paying whether you like it or not.
Think I'm exaggerating ---look it up. The penalty for those without insurance starts at $95 or 1% of your income (whichever is greater) and in 2016 it will be $695 ($2,085 for families) or 2.5% of income (whichever is greater).

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a horrible law that will make health care more expensive and care go down.

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