
Friday, July 31, 2015

Thoughts on "Death Panels"

There have been many stories lately about doctors recommending hospice to terminal patients and so called "death panels". Here are my thoughts on this:

Our culture has a serious problem where no one wants to admit that they are mortal and we all have an appointment with the Grim Reaper someday. People think that modern medicine and doctors have a magic wand that they can use to magically heal them and sadly there are some conditions that are terminal no matter what they do.
This is especially true of those with cancer. I have seen family members who were gonna fight it to the end and with the chemo they suffered horribly and died anyway in great pain. Meanwhile I have seen others who after talking to their doctors and researching their options, went into hospice and they were able to say goodbye to everyone and they were full of pain killers and didn't suffer too much.
It amazes me that people will put their loved ones through horrible torment and suffering and never would do the same thing to a beloved pet !! In my opinion, everyone needs to face reality when they have a terminal medical condition and choose to die with dignity.