
Friday, October 4, 2013

Government MUST Stop Spending before we go Bankrupt

Decades ago when everyone in Congress was rational and faced reality, then compromise was very important and a good thing.
However, most people in Congress and in government today have this insane idea that our country has a no limit credit card and we can keep spending and spending and everything will be great and there will never be a day when the credit card gets declined.
The main arguments between the Republicans and Democrats is on WHAT to spend the money on, never NOT to spend money (Democrats love social programs--Republicans love the military and wars). 
Finally a few people are speaking out about this (Ron and Rand Paul and many of the Tea Party) and that having multi-TRILLION dollar deficits is unsustainable. If our country does not stop we will be in the same shape as Detroit not too far down the road and the dollar will collapse.
Think it can't happen ??  Look at what happened in Argentina a decade ago---the government went bankrupt and most Argentines lost ALL of their money !!!!
We as a country need to elect MORE people who face reality rather than people who just want to keep spending like drunken sailors.

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