
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

IRS Head Bold Face LIED to Congress and US

So when the head of the IRS said that Lois Lerner's emails were lost due to a hard drive crash, it was a bold faced lie and he KNEW that it was a bold faced lie.

Why aren't their immediate impeachment proceedings against him ?? Why aren't there criminal perjury charges against him ??

Answer:  The republicans will grumble but not do anything about it because there are a bunch of those SOBs who should be in jail too so the politicians don't want to play the go to jail game.

There are no missing Lois Lerner E-mails 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Thoughts on the Brown Case

Not saying he did because that video is fishy but just say that the victim did steal some cigars, he was unarmed and not a martial arts expert so the police officer had no justification to use deadly force even if there was a struggle. The REAL issue is that they have lowered the standards to become a cop and now 90 pound soaking wet guys (like the officer in question) are cops and they have a badge, a taser and a gun. If the taser doesn't work or the person gets close, he physically CAN'T take down the suspect and has to use his gun. This has happened all over the country as police academy standards have dropped, the use of deadly force has risen. I have no doubt that if the cop had been 6 foot 3 and 250 pounds, he easily could have cuffed the suspect and there would have been no issue instead of a dead kid and a grieving family.

Monday, August 11, 2014

U.S. Mexico Border Fence a Lie and Sick Joke

What's wrong with this picture ?? A reporter with an Osama bin Laden picture crosses the Rio Grande river from Mexico to the United States twice without ever being challenged or questioned by police or the Border Patrol.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The TRUTH about the Ukrainian Situation

These "sanctions" are very stupid, counter productive and potentially dangerous !!  The media in this country reprints State Department press releases like they are totally true and not slanted. It's pathetic that you have to go look at the foreign press in other countries to find out what is really going on.
FACT--The U.S. was totally behind the violent overthrow of the legitimate Ukrainian government. Look up the Valerie Jarrett video and there she is on video discussing the overthrow of the Ukrainian government and supporting the Svoboda party BEFORE the "revolution".
What freaked out the Ukrainians of Russian descent is that Svoboda is very anti-Russian and neo Nazi. The "Russian militants" armed themselves and are getting assistance from Russia. The U.S. government meanwhile has been sending the Svoboda government money, arms and advisers (mainly Blackwater mercenaries along with U.S. Special Forces).
Of course Russia would respond to these actions and the U.S. government (can't blame just Obama--the supporters of this policy include Obama, the Clintons, John Mccain, Lyndsay Graham, and neocons) keeps making the situation worse. This has almost destroyed our relations with Russia and now what happens if Russia and the Ukraine get into war (and they probably will soon) and U.S. advisers are killed ?? World War 3 ??  This policy is dangerous and insane and I'm sorry to say that WE have instigated it. I pray that saner and more reasonable heads prevail and calm this situation down before it escalates.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The "Recovery"--- A Dirty Rotten Lie

The "recovery" is a lie and a sick joke. Over the last 20 years since the passage of NAFTA and GATT, well paying jobs have been leaving the country and low wage service industry jobs have replaced them. As our economy has long been a consumer based one, the problem is simple:  no or low paying job==little money to spend==lousy economy==companies unable or unwilling to expand or grow and hire but rather contract or automate making the economy worse. Rinse and repeat.
People MUST realize that Income taxes are mainly for the Middle and Upper Middle class. The truly wealthy have all of their money in investments, trusts, foundations and pay little tax. If you want to go after them, raise the capital gains tax. In addition, Repeal NAFTA and GATT and put tariffs on all goods made outside the U.S. Have all multinational corporations that are headquartered outside of the U.S. and pay little tax to be considered foreign and tax them properly. Give U.S. companies huge tax breaks for every American worker they hire and tax them for every worker offshore. If you did this, it would all of a sudden make economic sense to move operations and jobs BACK to the U.S. and would greatly improve the economy.