
Friday, May 2, 2014

U.S. Unemployment Stats a Filthy LIE

The problem is that these "jobs" are almost all low wage jobs in the service sector (stocking shelves, restaurant work, cashiers, etc ---all about $8- $9/hr). People cannot live on those wages and the most distressing thing is that corporate profits and executive compensation have never been higher.
I'm all for capitalism, but shipping your manufacturing to China paying those workers slave wages and then paying your employees minimum wage in this country while you rake in millions isn't only wrong---it's EVIL and is the major thing that is wrong with our country. Most of these "free trade" agreements signed over the last 20 years are anything but free trade or fair for the U.S. and they have DESTROYED our economy and led to over 100 MILLION adults in this country being unemployed (fact--check it out). That 6.3 % unemployment number is a complete fabrication. Look it up--our REAL unemployment number is over 20% and has been since 2008---which means this has been a Depression and most people realize this deep down.  Ross Perot was right--NAFTA & GATT, etc have been a DISASTER for our country and that huge sucking sound was all of the good jobs leaving the country. 

US gains 288k jobs most in 2 years rate 6.3 percent

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