
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What a Stupid Waste of Money

What a horrible waste of money.

"Microsoft swallows Nokia's handset business for $7.2 billion"
Microsoft CEO Ballmer needs to be shown the door ASAP. No ONE wants a Microsoft phone. It and it's GUI (which they also ported to Windows 8) has been completely rejected by the market and this GUI is the main reason that Windows 8 has flopped horribly. 
But instead of Microsoft admitting that they made a mistake and actually talking to their customers and see what they want and like, Microsoft is pumping more money into this losing venture and basically taking the view of "We're Microsoft and you need to learn and like our new GUI whether you like it or not". 
The stockholders have spoken and Microsoft's shares are down 6 percent this morning on this news. If Microsoft does not change their direction soon, they will down the road join Novell as a company who at one time had a monopoly and would not change.

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