* Hijackers and Osama bin Laden are all dead.* No more planes have been hijacked since then.
* Osama bin Laden may be dead but Al Quida was never brought to justice and those who financed Al Quida and who were REALLY behind the attack (Saudis, Qatar, etc) were never brought to justice and will never be known.* Traveling by air is now more akin to being processed into a prison than traveling.
* The Constitution, Rule of Law and Civil Liberties have been thrown out the window and replaced by a quasi police state thanks to the "Patriot Act", the "NDAA", and other onerous freedom stealing laws that are totally unconstitutional (of course our political Supreme Court will never rule justly on these laws).
* The horrid Homeland Security department was created that at best is bureaucratic and inefficient and at worst many fear they will become a new Gestapo.
* The NSA and the government openly spy on everyone and don't see why this is wrong.
* Afghanistan & Iraq were attacked and TRILLIONS of dollars were spent and thousands of lives were lost for no appreciable benefit except for those with government contracts and the defense industries. Those states are now failed states that are now more akin to Somalia.
* 911 led to an extremely aggressive U.S. government that feels like they are justified to attack any other country on a whim. See Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya, and Syria.
* The U.S. economy never recovered and the mid 2000s "bubble" caused by insane amounts of market liquidity and credit handed out like candy masked deep systemic issues in the economy that are being felt now. Good jobs are leaving for former 3rd World countries and replaced by $9/hour service jobs.
Obviously the Cons far out way the Pros and people need to face the reality that the 911 attacks had nothing to do with our freedom and liberty as U.S. leaders claim but rather it was blow back caused by a meddling U.S. foreign policy that puts our nose in every other country's business. The attack was carried out by a group that the U.S. founded and funded to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. After the U.S. cut them off, they continued to be funded by the Saudis, Qatar, and Pakistan and we were warned repeatedly about them by multiple allied countries. During the 1990s we were repeated warned by Al Quida attacking the World Trade Center in 1993, the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the U.S. Cole. Our special forces could have killed or captured Osama bin Laden multiple times but President Bill Clinton was more interested in chasing interns around the Oval Office than doing his job. Our intelligence agencies were more interested in turf wars than doing their jobs. The FAA and airlines were more interested in making money than safety, and most importantly of all, the American people are to blame because they were and are apathetic and do not hold their leaders accountable. They allow leaders to lie repeatedly and never hold them accountable when the truth later comes out and it was proven that they were lying. They have never held the mainstream media accountable for being mouthpieces for the government and corporations and for asking puffball questions and never asking the questions that need to be asked and answered. They have never bothered to educate themselves about what is really going on and instead of reading newspapers and engaging in debate, they drink, do drugs and watch American Idol and talk about what the Kardashians are doing.
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