
Monday, April 20, 2015

Just Shameful

These scum "protested" against supposedly racism by walking on the flag for 3 days until a female veteran tried to stop them and she was arrested. It disgusts me that this happened at MY college of which I'm a double graduate (Bachelors and Masters). I know all about the 1st Amendment but why did all of the other students watch this for 3 days and do nothing ?? I'll guarantee you that I'd have gone to jail for assault if I'd seen that when I was a student and the "protesters" would have been in the hospital getting my foot out of their butts.

Link to Story on This

Saturday, April 18, 2015

"Peace Deals"

For Those who think that Obama's Iran "Peace Deal" will lead to peace, please watch this video of a World leader who also thought that a "Peace Deal" would bring a lasting peace.

What's sad is that we now know that if the British and French had stood up to Hitler, there was a bigger group than in 1944 in Germany that wanted to overthrow the Nazis. The Munich Agreement emboldened and empowered Hitler and weakened his opponents. A year later, he attacked Poland because thanks to Munich he thought that the British and French would roll over again !!! I really fear this agreement because it will weaken the Ayatolla's opponents in Iran and embolden them LEADING to War. Time will tell and I pray that I'm wrong but History indicates I'm right.