
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Thoughts on Patient Zero

 Ebola victim family looking to Sue

Boohoo for this criminal who was not an American citizen, faced charges in Liberia if he had lived for lying about being exposed to Ebola and leaving the country and lying to enter the U.S. He then exposed countless people to Ebola and was given excellent care before he succumbed to the disease. Now his family is angling to file a lawsuit !!!  This is what's wrong with this country and I'm sorry he died but this guy who knowingly spread Ebola to others is no different than those with Aids who knowingly spread it to others---a bad person and a criminal whose family doesn't deserve a dime !!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What's Wrong with Voting in the United States

Editorial: Barriers to voting

Sure, let's make it easier to "vote often and vote multiple times". These "easy voter" laws have led to massive voter fraud in recent years. In my opinion, you must be a verified U.S. citizen before you are registered to vote, it must be verified that you are only registered to vote in 1 place (sorry New Yorkers who vote in both places every election), picture ID must be shown before voting and electronic voting machines should be banned. In addition, each precinct and counting place has observers from the two major parties and at least one 3rd party.
If they did that then voter fraud would end and the citizen's votes would actually matter again (unlike now where it is a sick joke and voter fraud is rampant).