
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Legalize Drugs ??

So, Oxycotin is legal and handed out like M&Ms leading to addiction and destroyed lives but Pot is evil and has NO beneficial uses ??
I don't use marijuana but I do believe that it should be legal. It is blatantly obvious that the "War on Drugs" has been a total disaster !! It has led to MORE drugs on the street, more violent crime (so addicts can pay for their fix), the extreme violation of civil liberties, the erosion of Constitutional rights, the vast expansion of law enforcement, corruption at all levels, and so much more.
It has led to the U.S. having one of the highest incarceration rates in the World. Per the Dept of Justice, in 2011 6,977,700 adults were under correctional supervision (probation, parole, jail, or prison) in 2011 – about 2.9% of adults in the U.S., the vast majority for drug crimes. What good has this brought us ???  Drugs are more prevalent than ever and TRILLIONS of dollars have been flushed down the toilet on the "War on Drugs". It (like Prohibition before it) will be seen in the future as one of the worst fiascoes ever.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cruelty to Animals

This is one of the cruelest things that I have heard about in a long time. Someone can't accept that they are going to die, so they torture a poor little animal ??

Monday, April 14, 2014

Blood Moon Tonight

Blood Moon (full lunar eclipse) tonight starting at 2am. Best viewing will be at 3am.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Four Years after Oil Spill

So, how many people went to jail for harming so many people ?? After all, this crime was significantly worse than someone who sticks up a liquor store and shoots the clerk and wounds them---MILLIONS of people were effected. The person who shoots the clerk would get life in prison--what about the BP and Halliburton executives who caused this by knowingly using shoddy equipment to save a few bucks ?? In addition, the oil caused massive damage but what about the Corexit chemical that was sprayed into the Gulf to disperse the oil ?? The Georgia Institute of Technology concluded that "mixing oil with dispersant increased toxicity to ecosystems" and made the gulf oil spill worse. Oh and when we all eat Gulf fish and shrimp, we're getting a nice dose of Corexit which is suspected of causing cancer. Where's the justice ?? I guess in this country if you have Billions of dollars then there is NO justice and the victims can just be quiet and suffer and the perpetrators can keep raking in millions and living the high life.

Monday, April 7, 2014

My Opinion on Catholic Annullments

My opinion may put me at odds with many of my Catholic friends, but I believe that the Pope "gets it" and the Vatican is totally out of touch when it comes to divorce and remarriage. This is the #1 reason that people leave the Church and the Church has turned something that should be a pastoral issue into a legal one and for most people (including Me) it is the final straw for them and they leave the Church. From what I have seen, the annullment process is overly legalistic, intrusive, and time consuming. People find out about the steps they have to go through to remarry and will have to wait YEARS for it to go through and then it may be denied. Most say goodbye and go to another denomination that welcomes them with open arms. I know dozens of former Catholics and every single one left due to this issue. When I read the Church's response, I see no compassion at all for people hurting and feeling like the Church is turning its back on them (except for the Pope) rather I see a bunch of lawyers in clerical collars talking about medieval cannon law. I pray that the Pope and Vatican can really look at this issue and totally modernize the annullment process along with rules on divorce and remarriage.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Brat Seating

For those who fly a lot, where many of us would love to put a little brat that keeps kicking the back of your seat and misbehaving.