
Monday, April 22, 2024

Businesses Have NO Money


I'm back after a LONG hiatus. My life is going well and I need to opine on what is going on these days again.

So Joe Biden wants to raise taxes on businesses.

I really believe that everyone should have to take a basic Economics 101 course in High School.
This is common sense but dummies who don’t understand basic supply and demand come up with these crazy ideas that have horrible consequences.

A good example is in California raising the minimum wage to $20/hour.
The Lefties say “good, those rich greedy business owners SHOULD be forced to pay their workers a liveable wage”. It’s the same as Biden wants business taxes to skyrocket because they are “not paying their fair share”.

What they do not get is businesses have NO money. The only money they get is by producing and selling a good or service that their customers are willing to buy. Any increase in their costs like forced employee raises or increased taxes won’t be paid by THEM rather it will be paid for by their customers with the goods or services prices being increased.

But as California fast food restaurant owners are complaining there is a limit to how much they can increase prices before their sales drop off a cliff and they go bankrupt. Few people will pay $20 for a Big Mac and if you look at the fast food chains sales, they have been dropping big time.
I see it because my local Mcdonalds is right off the interstate and at lunch time they always for years had cars stretched around the building waiting on the drive thru. Now, 4 or 5 cars in line tops. The owner of the Mcdonalds had to lay some employees off and cut back hours because business is so bad and my town is a university town where there have been no layoffs, inflation is causing this.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Men & Women ARE Different

My Response:

It is wonderful to promote science and engineering to girls and no doubt some will grow up to be scientists and engineers. However, in my opinion those 2 disciplines will NEVER have 50% women because of the fact that men and women think differently is being ignored. If you do brain scans on 10 men and women and watch real time, the men's brains all work about the same as do the women's but they are very different from each other. Heavy problem solving men excel at. Creativity and caring, women excel at. That's why a majority of young doctors and nurses are women--they excel at it. But in Engineering and certain sciences, males excel at it. My point is that instead of foolishly assuming men & women are the same, we should celebrate their differences, encourage all children to be who they wish to be when they grow up but don't be surprised when men & women naturally gravitate to different fields.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day !!!

On this day of love, everyone always focuses on romantic love which is wonderful yet those not currently in a relationship feel sad.

Remember that there are other types of love like the love of a friend and familial love. Everyone reading this must remember that you are very loved and while you might not be in a relationship this Valentine's Day, next Valentine's Day you may be in a heavy romantic relationship and crazy in love.
Cupid works all year round and here is hoping that one of his arrows hit you soon.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Another Reason Not to like Ted Cruz

Another reason not to like Ted Cruz.
BF Deal, she was in some of the Skinomax R rated movies way back.
So were a lot of actors. Does this negate what she is saying ?? Does this mean that she isn't a good actress ?? Meanwhile many of these "Conservative Republicans" are secretly Bi or Homosexual and/or into BDSM. What is Behemian Grove all about which Cruz regularly attends ?? I have nothing at all against gay or bi people but I detest hypocrites and Cruz is a huge one with his Goldman Sachs executive wife at his side and millions in Wall Street "Campaign Contributions" in his pocket but he is looking out for the little people---right ??

Oh and Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States, under clause 5:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
A guy BORN IN CANADA is not a "natural born citizen" so is ineligible to be President !!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thoughts on Gay Marriage

Jim Obergefell, 'accidental activist' says he was glad to 'help love win'

Divorce, infidelity, and the "ME" generation have much more to do with the threat to traditional marriage than gay people marrying.

Everyone has someone in their extended family or circle who is gay. If you say no then you are in denial or lying to yourself. Shouldn't gay people have the same right to happiness that everyone else does ?? Shouldn't Mr Obergefell's partner be allowed to have the same benefits as any other spouse of 21 years ??

I challange anyone that is against gay marriage (which I honestly in my ignorance was too years ago), to go make friends with some gay couples and I guarantee your mind on the issue will change. You will realize that their being married has absolutely nothing to do with the strength of your marriage or the sanctity of marriage in general.

Monday, August 10, 2015

"Fixing" Social Security

I could fix Social Security in 5 minutes with just 2 simple changes. First, the money that it collects MUST be invested and second only people who PAID into Social Security will receive it.
Right now the "Trust Fund" is a drawer of IOUs that are US Treasury bills which means that there is NO trust fund !! The US government took the surplus for decades and replaced the money with worthless US T-Bills. So, where is that money going to come from ?? By the way the '$19 trillion' federal debt does NOT include either this liability OR government pensions. When that is added in, the Federal debt is
truly well over $100 trillion and there is NO WAY to ever pay that, but that's another discussion.

Next, millions upon millions of people are collecting Social Security that never paid a dime into it. Immigrate to the US at 67, here's a Social Security check. Also SSI is massive where alcoholics and drug addicts who have never paid a dime into Social Security get a check.
I'm not hard hearted and you could move these people onto Welfare but if you did those 2 things, Social Security would still function. 
Instead what will happen is the politicians will keep "kicking the can down the road" until it goes almost broke and then they will raise the retirement age to 70 and most people who paid the most into it won't get it and it will turn into a very expensive welfare system.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Thoughts on "Death Panels"

There have been many stories lately about doctors recommending hospice to terminal patients and so called "death panels". Here are my thoughts on this:

Our culture has a serious problem where no one wants to admit that they are mortal and we all have an appointment with the Grim Reaper someday. People think that modern medicine and doctors have a magic wand that they can use to magically heal them and sadly there are some conditions that are terminal no matter what they do.
This is especially true of those with cancer. I have seen family members who were gonna fight it to the end and with the chemo they suffered horribly and died anyway in great pain. Meanwhile I have seen others who after talking to their doctors and researching their options, went into hospice and they were able to say goodbye to everyone and they were full of pain killers and didn't suffer too much.
It amazes me that people will put their loved ones through horrible torment and suffering and never would do the same thing to a beloved pet !! In my opinion, everyone needs to face reality when they have a terminal medical condition and choose to die with dignity.